You are eligible to pay VAT on downloadable products at a rate that depends on the country you normally reside in rather than based on where the goods are coming from. This does not affect any of the other types of goods we sell, e.g. our yarns and needles or our leaflet patterns.
This change will only affect a small minority of customers. For example, if you were a UK citizen and went on holiday to Germany - if you shopped with us from Germany our website by default would show prices on downloadable patterns with the German downloadable VAT rate of 19%, but as you enter your payment information in checkout we realise you are a British citizen and change the VAT to the British rate of 20%.
The price of your downloadable item would change by a small amount (generally only a few pence) compared with what you saw on the site originally. We will tell you clearly if this is the case before you complete payment so that you can confirm you are happy to proceed.
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