If you placed your order when logged into your account, yes you can reorder! First you need to find the past order you’d like to buy the items from: follow the steps here to see your previous orders. You can use the ‘View Order’ link to see the items in the order, to make sure you choose the right one. Any orders placed using guest checkout will not show on your customer account.
Once you’ve found it, there will be an option to ‘Reorder’ the same items if they are available. This will add all the items to your basket, in the same quantities. We can't guarantee the dye lots will be the same, so if you do need to match dye lots, please take a look at this article: can you match my dye lot?
You can add more of anything you loved, take out anything you didn’t, or continue shopping before you check out.
If you ordered a pattern, you should remove it from your basket before checkout – we wouldn’t want you to spend your knitting budget on buying the same pattern twice!
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