You can find your order number in three places: either in your Account Dashboard, on your order confirmation email, or on your shipping confirmation order.
Account Dashboard
If you have an account with us and were logged in when you placed your order, you can view the order in the Account Dashboard. Orders made using Guest Checkout will not show here.
To get to your Account Dashboard, make sure you’re signed in. Then go to ‘Account’ in the top right corner, and then to 'My Orders'
You will see a table of orders placed by this account, with the number listed next to the date. This is your order ID number.
Order & Shipping confirmation
This will be in the inbox of the email address you use for your LoveCrafts account. Your order number will be in the subject line and again at the top of the order.
The email will be from
See also: Where is my order confirmation?
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